Thursday, May 17, 2018

16. What is Blight?

An objective definition of Blight refers to properties not in compliance with a municipal building code. The first evidence of blight is overgrown grass, weeds, unkempt and ragged shrubbery, trees and shrubbery intruding upon the structure. There are self seeded trees characterized as “urban weed trees, etc. Graffiti on the property is blight. The property lot is a site for trash, rubbish, litter, solid waste, and / or used tires. Unlicensed / non-operational vehicles are on a lot for a month or more and into the indeterminate future. The Structure  walls are without paint or the paint has severely cracked and peeled such that it no longer protects the structure from the elements and deterioration. Masonry mortar is cracked and loose allowing for water infiltration. There are damaged and open windows and doors. Gutters and downspouts are absent or in disrepair allowing for water infiltration to a building foundation. A building foundation is not true and square with evidence of deflection or inward bulge indicating failure. A structure entrance or porch is in disrepair, the steps are in disrepair and pose danger in their use. Roofing material is absent and / or the roof has holes.  If there is access to the structure, all walking surfaces floor and stairs may not be safe or functional. Walls have damaged or absent surfaces. Water and sewer lines are not in repair and full functioning. The electrical system maybe nonfunctioning or insufficient. Natural gas service is nonfunctioning and a threat to the welfare of occupants or surrounding properties. Heating systems  structure heat and water heat, are obsolete and pose a safety or fire risk. Refuse, trash, litter in the structure poses a health, safety or fire risk. Vermin, insect or animal infiltration pose a health and safety risk to occupants and are a source of invasion and infiltration to nearby properties.


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