Blog Contents
1. Pennsylvania Municipalities Need to Balance Housing Supply With Demand.
Many municipalities have too many houses in contrast to population decline.
2. Blight and Abandonment Defined (B & A).
Here is how blight and abandonment is defined in Pennsylvania law.
3. Some thoughts and notes about real estate delinquency - arrearage.
The Upset Tax Sale, Repository List, Judicial Sale cycle.
4. An observation about properties on a County repository list.
Two sentences tell a story.
5. Disadvantage to a municipality as to Judicial Sale results.
The Judicial Sale changes ownership and control without direction and purpose.
6. Directionless and Judicial Sale results.
Some thoughts about buyers without purpose or direction.
7. What the repository list says about Sharon, PA and the absence of a LAND BANK as a
Sharon has a disproportionate number of properties on the repository list.
8. What is a LAND BANK?
Addressing some misconceptions about a LAND BANK.
9. What Tax Revenue Has Been Lost to Tax Zombies.
Repository list tax delinquency amounts are cumulative and are huge.
10. Making a Market Work
The real estate market is oversupplied. The oversupply often is blighted and abandoned affecting real estate values negatively.
11. Every property owner in a municipality is Injured by Blight and Abandonment. B&M.
The Real Estate Conservatorship law as public policy declares that B&M injures all
property owners. Diminished value to all real estate, threats to health and safety, fire risk, threat to ordered society.
12. What is a lien?
Property incurs lawful obligations for taxes and private debt such as a mortgage.
13. What is a tax sale?
The who, and what of tax sales.
14. What an Upset Tax sale.
The first step in recovering delinquent taxes.
15. What is a Judicial Tax Sale.
The last attempt to recover something of a tax arrearage.
16. What is Blight?
Blight described as an objective violation of a municipal building code.
17. How Else might Blight be Characterized?
A subjective description of blight. It might be something a person knows when they see
18. What is the Building and Maintenance Code.
A discussion about the basis for a municipal building and maintenance code.
19. What is a Redevelopment Authority?
The what and why and how of a Redevelopment Authority in Pennsylvania.
20. How can a Redevelopment Authority address blight?
It is costly and bureaucratic to address blight solely through a Redevelopment
21. Once again, What is a Land Bank?
More thoughts and comments about the Land bank tool for municipalities.
22. What is a Real Estate Conservatorship?
What and how Pennsylvania provides untapped potential for private investment
to rehabilitate / demolish B&A. Opportunities and risks.
23. General comments about the tools for revitalization.
Redevelopment Authority, Land Bank, Judicial supervision of Conservatorship.
24. How Blight and Abandonment Injures Citizens.
B&A harms real estate values. As such it diminishes a major component of household
wealth. It is a hazard to health and safety. It is a fire risk. It contributes to unlawfulness.
25. Which Way?
Implementing tools to address A&B.
26. More about the Pennsylvania Real Estate Conservatorship Act - USE IT OR LOSE IT.
An essay based about Attorney Melanie Lacey’s 2017 article entitled USE IT OR
27, A sound way to begin a municipal Structure and Land Revitalization Bank - Redevelopment Authority.